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Rising Stars: Meet Sophia Carr

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sophia Carr. 

Hi Sophia, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I’ve always been hard on myself. Growing up facing challenges, giving up was always my first thought. As I got older, I was destined to begin something that I would never give up on. I wanted to inspire- I desired for others, those younger than me to understand that with much perseverance and faith, you could end up in the wealthiest positions, not financially speaking. I started blogging about 4 years ago. I create Christian blogs to assure teenagers and young adults that living saved at a young age may be challenging, but rewarding. I began my T-Shirt Business in 2020, from scratch. I didn’t have a specific vision at the time. I just knew that I wanted to create something to inspire and uplift others. So, I began making Christian Tees and Tees geared toward uplifting young girls and women. 

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
This journey has had some twists, turns, and many detours. There were many days that I had to start over. There were many days that I felt as if I wasn’t qualified to do what I know I was called to. Some of the main struggles I’ve faced included wondering if my products would sell and if my blog would receive the exposure that I desired. I’ve had to learn strategic time management. Juggling multiple tasks at once is a never-ending goal. My businesses do not include any additional officers other than myself, so I’ve learned that even while exhausted, I always have to keep my best foot forward, producing quality work that my customers will love and appreciate. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I specialize in Youth Engagement. It is my pleasure and joy to work with the youth of today’s society. I believe that I’ve been placed on the Earth to inspire youth. I am known for encouragement and having the strong will to live a life that others can mirror. I am not perfect, but I strive daily to make sure that God is pleased with my life, serving as an icon of my time to the next generation. I am mostly known for my spiritual life, which is why I referenced my blog. I am 32 years old, and I made the decision to commit my life spiritually at the very young age of 10 that foundation has kept me grounded in my personal life, as well as my professional life. What sets me apart from others is that I don’t mind succeeding in my own lane. While collaboration and groups are effective at times, I never mind speaking a truth that others may not see as “popular” for my generation. I am aware that Christian apparel isn’t popular in my generation, but I am determined to teach the truth to my peers, even if it’s just through apparel and blogging. 

What was your favorite childhood memory?
My favorite childhood memory, and though I don’t remember when it actually happened, I remember the wounds from it. I was born with an unexplained illness that caused me to have to be revived at birth. It left me with no complications, but they left dark bags under my eyes that I still have today. Through Elementary and Middle School, I was always picked on because of them… Moving through High School, I always tried to use makeup to hide them. I was constantly asked what happened, was I in a fight, did I get beat up. Question after question. I wet many pillowcases growing up. The questions altered and at times, diminished my self-esteem, but as I got older, I understood more. These bags and scars constantly remind me of my purpose. They remind me of my WHY. They remind me daily that my destiny wasn’t halted at birth and that I have work to do as long as I’m here on Earth. They serve daily as a constant reminder to keep going, so anytime I feel as if the purpose isn’t calling me, I look in the mirror and remember this memory. 

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1 Comment

  1. Irma L. Edwards

    May 6, 2022 at 10:42 pm

    I highly commend South Carolina Voyagerg for the positivity of your purpose, mission and goals.
    Thanks for featuring Our Rising Star, Sophia Carr. She is an Awesome young lady, who shows that genuine love. I am proud of Sophia in many ways. But, I am so excited and have also witnessed to , the most needed and positive outreach to the youth population.
    Submitted By, Mother Irma L. Edwards,Ret.Lic.Counselor/

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