Today we’d like to introduce you to Ryan Cole.
Hi Ryan, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of purpose and understanding human potential. From a young age, I began traveling the world, ministering to people of all backgrounds and I quickly discovered that no matter where I traveled, whether it was here in the USA, in Central and South America, the Middle East, and various parts of Africa what connects us all is that search for meaning and significance.
Of course, my understanding of purpose was rooted in my faith in Jesus Christ, and from there I developed a suite of programs designed to help individuals discover their God-given purpose, navigate the world of dating, and build a happy and healthy marriage.
My love for God and my love for people have put me in the space I am in today which is both personal development and marriage coaching.
My wife and I have been married for almost 10 years and between our own experience, watching our parents, and through the countless couples, we have mentored we understand that in order to have a healthy nation you have to have healthy families, that requires healthy marriages and ultimately healthy individuals who have a general understanding of what they have been called to do with their lives.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My journey has come with its fair share of challenges. Like most innovators and entrepreneurs, a risk is involved with any endeavor and when you’re in the business of empowering people you deal with all sorts of personality conflicts. I learned a lot though from my childhood. I wouldn’t say we were poor but we were a part of the working middle class. My family was a part of the fallout of the 2008 financial crisis. We lasted until 2012 when we lost our home.
I helped pay the family mortgage for a while but it was too much for me to carry on my own since both my parents had to be laid off. We all grew from that experience and learned how to be satisfied in times of plenty and when we were without. We had family and that was what was most important. It was our faith and our perseverance that kept us moving forward. Our entire family has not only rebuilt but has become successful in our respective industries. Our singular childhood home was lost but we have each gained our own portfolio of real estate.
Now when it comes to the businesses my wife and I have launched, we have had our fair share of failures. Projects that just didn’t work out. But failure is the tuition you pay for future success. In other words, we counted those losses as the education we needed to build more effectively.
We gained wisdom and kept introducing new products and services to the market until we hit our sweet spot. That’s where we are today with success in real estate investments, books, online coaching programs, and marriage coaching, and has establishment of a non-profit to help empower families.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Out of all the work we have done, I am most proud of the work we do with married couples. We have coached many couples through crises, helping them to overcome loss, infidelity, and a host of other issues to build marriages where they are both thriving and healthy.
Our Marriage with a Mission Workshop helps couples to write a vision for their lives and develop a common mission together so that their marriage can become a force for good in the world.
Through the workbook we have created we help couples work through everything from their financial goals to building a more satisfying friendship, and even having a more fulfilling sex life. All of our programs are faith-based.
Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Fall in the love with your mission and not your methods. In other words, remain playable to the changing conditions of the world while maintaining the heart of why you’re doing what you do. Times with change, technology will progress, and every industry will have to come to terms with shifts in culture. How you execute your vision isn’t as important as maintaining your “why?” If you’re not continually innovating then you’re not growing.
This “why?” is rooted in the idea of PURPOSE. It’s a word thrown around a lot but is not often explained. Essentially the idea of purpose is man’s search for meaning. Through my coaching programs, I have developed a simple equation to help individuals discover what they have been called to do with their lives. When you follow this equation you will not only discover why you were put here on earth, you will date more effectively and build a marriage that is built on the foundation of purpose.
Here’s the equation. To discover your purposes you need to find a 1. PRESENCE to Pursue (this deals with your relationship with God.) 2. PASSIONS to Cultivate (Assess your gifts and talents and sharpen your skills) 3. PROBLEMS to Solve 4. A PEOPLE to Serve 5. A PLACE where you can plant and 6. A person or group of people to PASS the baton to at the end of your life.
There is a lot to unpack here. I’ve put a free webinar together at https://ryancoleempowerment.com/callofgod to explain more.
Money should never be what you’re pursuing.
- $127 is the price of my online Purpose Course.
- MoreMostForever.com for all our marriage resources.
- RyanColeEmpowerment.com for coaching, books, and more.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.ryancoleempowerment.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryancoleempowerment/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanColeEmpowerment
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamryancole
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/ryancoleempowerment
- Other: MoreMostForever.com