Today we’d like to introduce you to Shannon Watson.
Hi Shannon, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started my formal career in healthcare as a Registered Nurse specializing in Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery in 2008 and worked in a step-down care unit at Prisma Health Heart Hospital. Wellness has always been a part of my life, I grew up interested in food, natural health, and fitness. Those interests continued outside of my academic studies as part of my life through college and into my young adult years.
I took my first yoga class almost 20 years ago along with beginning to take group fitness classes and study health and wellness in the fitness and functional nutrition setting. Fast forward through nursing school, marriage, life, and the birth of two children I found my roles changing and I was not able to work within the hospital setting as much because of the 13+ hour shift requirements, holiday and weekend hours, and the challenging cost of childcare as well as difficulty managing the hours that I would need childcare. I also was struggling with common post-partum challenges like isolation, a loss of my career identity as I worked in the hospital less, stress, overwhelm and anxiety.
I was working out and practicing yoga 5-6 days a week and had always had a draw or desire to teach these types of classes when I was taking them. Looking for ways to alleviate what I was going through and maintain a sense of independence, a drive, and inspiration outside of childcare and homeownership I decided I could make coaching fitness classes work within the new boundaries of my life and they would give me a way to give back to others, to get a break from my stressful day to day and keep me challenged in healthy ways. That was the beginning of my coaching journey which has led me to where I am today.
After a few years of coaching classes, the facility owner asked me to help him develop Athletic Recovery style programs incorporating new technology the facility was about to acquire. I said yes and that was the beginning of me blending what I was absolutely passionate about with my experience and knowledge as a Registered Nurse to create something that would help people feel amazing, reduce injury, and live healthier happier lives.
Shortly after that, I traveled to Florida to certify in assisted Sports Stretch within an NFL combine preparation program. That was such an amazing experience in a world I knew little about and I was fascinated by it, I knew that would spend the rest of my days learning and working in this field.
Fast forward many years and I am now running SWatson Solutions, LLC, a company specializing Stretch Therapy, Evidence-Based Restorative Yoga, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction through one-on-one sessions, group classes and sports team programs at both the professional and collegiate level. I am most excited to announce that at the end of the summer my entire 8-week program will be available virtually on demand through my website and App with so much more in store for that platform.
I wake up many days in awe of the opportunity I have been given to impact the world with this work and I am excited and hopeful for the future lives it will touch and the transformations that are to come.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I mean, I don’t think life is ever a smooth road, right? The idea that any part of this journey is going to be linear, or always smooth and easy and straight up the success ladder is a misguided belief that if we cling to, has the potential to keep us in a cycle of disappointment, unmet expectations, and could lead to some read struggles emotionally.
The answer to that question is that I have had tons of struggles, large and small. It’s real life, and it’s natural, and that comes with hills, valleys, beautiful fields, and mountain peaks. The powerful thing I’ve experienced through practicing mindfulness is that we can learn to navigate this world in a way that we experience less suffering and more peace no matter what part of the path we are on.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Aside from what I have already shared I think a few of the things that set me apart are my Nursing experience and knowledge, taking an evidence-based approach to developing my programs so that they are truly supported by science, and they work.
Also, always driving to deliver the very best for each client no matter who it is. I have been blessed to work at an elite level with athletes in the NFL, NBA, and other professional sports as well as Division 1 school teams like The University of South Carolina Women’s & Men’s basketball team, softball team, and Women’s tennis team but when it comes down to it, every client gets the best from me, every single time.
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
Allowing people to experience their bodies and minds in a deeply relaxed and peaceful state that combats the stress this world is throwing at us 24/7 and keeps them moving best with as little pain as possible along the way. That is my most important work. That is the impact I want to have on everyone. That is what matters the most to me.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.swatsonsolutions.com
- Instagram: @shannonwatson825