Today we’d like to introduce you to Meredith McCarthy.
Meredith, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started the concept probably about more than 12 years ago or so. The name was actually intended for a tv show pilot that I created-The Gnosh Pit. It was a show fusing music and food together that never really got off the ground. When I moved from Long Island New York-To Myrtle Beach South Carolina, my intention was to open a food truck. Myself and a colleague of mine were going to go in on it. Come to my surprise that Myrtle Beach did not yet allow food trucks. So, I got a job as a cook at Second Avenue Pier Restaurant upon my arrival to Myrtle Beach. I waited years before they allowed food trucks in Myrtle Beach and attending many city hall meetings trying to get food trucks to pass. Eventually, they did and it still would take me years to establish my very own food truck-as my colleague was no longer in the picture. My family was very wary at first but became 100 percent supportive after.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Absolutely not. I actually moved back to New York for 6 months to learn the ways of the food trucks business. Working on a friend’s food truck, then a few other people’s food trucks I met along the way. I loved it and came back to Myrtle Beach knowing this is what I wanted to do. Since we fought long and hard about getting the Food truck ordinance to pass, that itself was a huge-hard step. The name came easy to me, as I said, I had it for a tv show I Was going to do. The support was great eventually. Business License-Retail License-getting the perfect truck-GEtting the wrap-learning the business-fees-government stuff—no IT wasn’t easy, especially when you literally have zero clue how to start a business. I hired a mentor, and also my friend from New York that I learned from was also a huge help. Once you get over a few humps-It’s really not that bad.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Before the Food Truck business, I was a touring musician for a little while. Back in my 20’s, I toured all over in a band called Perseverance. We broke a while ago, and then I was asked to be part of a few other projects, one that I am most proud of is called Dormitory Effect. I play guitar for this all-female rock-metal project. We still get together once in a while. Living in another state is a bit hard when 2 of your band members are still in New York. I think I’m most proud of starting this business from not knowing anything at all, to where I Am today. Trust me I learn more every day!!!!
What matters most to you?
My business. I have grown as a person since this business has started. I won’t let anyone come in my way. My aim is to succeed and keep moving forward and growing.
Contact Info:
- Email: thegnoshpit@gmail.com
- Website: www.facebook.com/thegnoshpitfoodtruck
- Instagram: /Gnoshpit
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/thegnoshpitfoodtruck