Today we’d like to introduce you to Katie Jones.
Hi Katie, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
I had a professional background in sales and customer service but always had the desire to be my own boss. I often found myself frustrated by how things were run in the places where I worked and felt I had the skill set to start something of my own. Finding the right business to open was the challenge. When I stumbled upon an industry that I enjoyed, I took note of a particular niche area within that industry that had great potential and not enough attention paid to it.
So, I studied that niche industry, ran a lot of numbers, and opened a business focused entirely on it. There are many businesses who attempt to do too much, they say “yes” to doing whatever makes them a dollar that day. They become jacks of all trades but a master of none. I am focused on being the master of one; really knowing my product/service and being the best at it.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I feel very fortunate to have been successful almost from the start. The business was profitable in less than a year. I will say that there is a lot more to owning a business than I imagined. There is so much that is required on the backend to make the frontend compliant, legal, and operationally sound.
Finding the right financial strategy and support has been the biggest challenge. “They,” say that a business owner should work on the business rather than in it, but we business owners are often best at working in the business because that’s what we know. Working on the business is the hard part and finding professionals to help is even harder.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Window Treatment Retailer and Hunter Douglas Dealer. We sell and install window treatments – blinds, shades, draperies, plantation shutters, etc. to the direct consumer and to the trade.
We are different from our competition because we focus completely on window treatments and nothing else. A generation younger than most of the other professionals in this field, we bring a fresh perspective to this line of work and stay up to date with the constant technological advancements.
We are experts in the field and our customer service is second to none. We are accessible, responsive, and reliable.
We are most proud to have been selected by Hunter Douglas to open a “Gallery” for them. Hunter Douglas dealers cannot opt to open a Gallery, they have to be selected by Hunter Douglas which we were.
What matters most to you?
My goal in business ownership is to support myself financially and to be in control of my schedule. I do not need to make millions at the expense of my time and quality of life. I want to be financially comfortable and have the time and freedom to enjoy it.
As the business has grown and I have added a partner and employees, I want the same for them. The business serves us, not vice versa.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.islandshadeshoppe.com
- Instagram: @islandshadeshoppechs
- Facebook: islandshadeshoppe
Image Credits
Leah Burris