Today we’d like to introduce you to Brandy Keel.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I am all for inclusion and variation. I aim to assist with and in areas of Cultural Diversity, Cultural Competence, and Cultural Inclusion. Well-versed in mental health, trauma, crisis, addiction, intervention, and inclusion I know all too well how important it is that one feels welcome and accepted.
I have held, and currently hold, position(s) including with most recent and most important last: Domestic Violence Counselor, Substance Abuse Qualified Professional, Director of Social Services, Director of Marketing/Admissions/Social Services, and mother.
I began my journey in the mental health field, in field. I lost my veteran father aka my best friend when I was 16. Suddenly went from being spoiled and doted on, to it felt as though, no one. I quickly became a troubled youth as I struggled to cope through my undergrad years. Depression, anxiety, and other traumas nagged at my soul along the way.
My first job after college was as a manager of a level III adolescent group home. I worked with at-risk youth. I felt a fulfilling refilling in doing so. Since then I have worked with clients and patients ages 4-105. I love being a beacon of light in the lives of others. I want everyone to feel as if they belong. I enjoy making room and fostering a therapeutic relationship that allows people to grow, learn and heal. I have healed by helping to heal others through God’s grace.
With that being said- The Melting Spot LLC. Hub assists entrepreneurs with distributing their own products via automated vending. We pave the way for acceptance, inclusivity, and opportunities to generate revenue for individuals who may be out of reach of mainstream competitors, target markets, and/or geographical locations.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
No, it has not. In fact, I have always had to take the long road to anything in life, however, I get it done. When I’m faced with obstacles I navigate around, over, and past them.
I had no funding, no help. No outside ideas. No website building assistance. No content/marketing/ad creators, design team. There was no logistical coordinator. No IT tech to set up the Hub. No support. I had God. I had a vision. I got it done.
The most recent light affliction was three months into this project in May. I went blind in my right eye and had a migraine so severe I was sure it “shot” my vision out. I went home from work early from my full-time job as a Substance Abuse Qualified Professional and reported to the hospital to fill in as a 2nd shift Domestic Violence Counselor, ready to work.
My supervisor inquired about my demeanor and prompted me to walk alongside her to the ER 50 feet away. I spent 4 nights there including Mother’s Day and was discharged hours prior to my birthday. I now am a Multiple Sclerosis warrior as well.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Professionally I’m an overachiever. My work ethic is impeccable. I am known for never giving up. The loss of my father had a profound effect on my life. A young girl who was once spoiled abruptly lost her security blanket.
I became cold mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally. I was thrown into hyper-independence. I had to fight to get my cover back. Nowadays I like to take the long road because there’s no one standing in the way. I’ve learned to enjoy every impromptu journey and detour.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I don’t believe in luck. I believe in God. I believe in favor and grace. Blessings. Blessings have played a major role in my life. I don’t count misfortunes nor do I look back on the past. I take risks, big, sound risks. My steps are ordered.
I use the tools, and blessings provided on the side of that aforementioned road. I pick them up and use them. I move forward. He is always there directing, leading, and encouraging. Whilst I am always listening.
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- Website: https://themeltingspot.shop
- Instagram: themeltingspot.shop