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Hidden Gems: Meet Lindsay Page of Glass Slipper Productions

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lindsay Page. 

Hi Lindsay, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
“Mommy, Snow Princess is coming to my party!” her sweet two-year-old voice exclaimed over and over again in the weeks leading up to her third birthday. The newest kids’ movie had just come out and she was obsessed with it just like every other fairytale-loving little girl. I had always loved planning birthday parties for my children. I would start months ahead of time by choosing the perfect theme, making favors, and planning the cake. Every last detail was coordinated. It was more for my pleasure than it was for them. I could not get her request out of my head and heart as I continued the preparations for Catherine’s party. I started looking around thinking maybe there was a company that did something like this. Nothing. I was at a loss as to how to make this happen for her. I was driving home late one afternoon and had an idea. I immediately called my husband and said, “What if we got a college girl from church and bought a costume, maybe we could actually put this together?” My thought was if we had this need then how many other families could benefit from something like this?! What if there were single moms, grandparents, and families that wanted to make their children’s dreams come alive despite their financial situation. Maybe they couldn’t afford a vacation to a park destination and we could bring the magic to them. We could bring the community their favorite characters right here. That afternoon I wasted no time getting things rolling. I settled on a name for the company, set up a Facebook page, ordered a costume, and put a few messages out to college girls that I knew loved kids. Catherine’s birthday was set for the following week. I started getting inquiries on our Facebook page the week prior to her party from other moms. Three days later we had our first booking! When you get a business idea the passion will drive you to get things started. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It is very easy to get distracted and unfocused by what other people do, think, and speak. I always like to say that what other people think about me is none of my business! I didn’t have much support when I started some of my business ventures. People would say that what I was doing was a scam or that it would never go anywhere. I love the expression that other people’s opinions don’t pay my bills. If you have a conviction or passion to do something then pursue it. I love asking for wisdom from people when I am struggling with a decision. It is good to get input. It is just imperative that you find the right people to consult with. You don’t want to default to people that you know will tell you what you want to hear. You also don’t want to go to people that are prone to be negative or live in fear of everything: The kind of people that never take risks. Some of your first customers and biggest supporters will be complete strangers. Friends and family usually come around to support but you can’t build a successful business by catering just to those that know you on a personal level. Keep your eyes forward if you are the kind of person that is going to see someone on social media that is succeeding at a higher level than you and get discouraged. Keeping your eyes forward means making a commitment to focus on yourself and your business and not what everyone else is doing. Social media tends to be a highlight reel of people’s lives. Unfollow people that are going to cause your emotions to dip when you see their posts. 

Keep your eyes up. What God has meant for you will be yours and no one can mess with that destiny. Work hard and pray harder. This holds true when you feel you have been wronged in business. Have you ever felt that someone stole a client, a gig, or a sale from you? It feels awful. Here you are working so hard and someone comes in and seemingly takes away what you worked so hard for. The emotions will make you stumble for a minute. Re-group and refocus your mind. You are running your business with integrity and treating people with honor. That is the kind of business that demands success. At the end of the day, people have a choice in where they are going to do business regardless if they were recruited with integrity or not. We can’t control others’ actions whether it’s our competitors or potential customers. What we can control is ourselves, our business, our reactions, and our effort. At the end of the day, you can lay your head down knowing you are running your life with honor, integrity, and intention. That is far more valuable than any sale. 

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Glass Slipper Productions?
We stand apart because of our integrity with the characters we provide. We won’t offer a character if we can’t do it at the highest standard. We want to provide magic to the community in a way that people can afford. 

Risk-taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Life is a crazy beautiful journey. Every day we are faced with decisions on what we are going to do with our 24 hours. We can either sit back and let life run us or we can design a life that we love. It is scary to take chances and do something that is outside the mold of the 9-5 workweek. When I look back on my life, I want to know that I kicked fear in the ass and said yes when an opportunity presented itself that agreed with my heart. Business is hard and being an entrepreneur is scary. I truly believe it is far scarier to sit back and regret missed opportunities. I never want to be comfortable. I never want to settle for a mediocre life. I want to show and teach my kids that settling for less than God’s best is NOT an option. Being an entrepreneur is often going from failure to failure to failure. It is keeping your eyes on the goal when everyone else thinks you should check into the local looney bin. 


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