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Exploring Life & Business with Judd Larkins of Shipley Do-nuts

Today we’d like to introduce you to Judd Larkins.

Hi Judd, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
I was born and raised in a small town called Ninety-Six. My childhood years can be defined by 3 key things. The first is a horrible stutter. I still struggle with it today but growing up in a small rural community made access to counseling services difficult. Oftentimes, I would find myself shying away from speaking in class due to my stutter. The 2nd was the death of my mother when I was just 14.

From that point, I stayed with my grandmother during the week because my dad worked out of town. The 3rd was my high school being condemned during my 10th-grade year. From that point on, I attended high school in trailers. It made for a poor learning environment. Trailers leaked. They were cold. You had no central point to congregate and fellowship like you would in a traditional school.

After high school, I attended Clemson University and Graduated with a degree in Language (Chinese) and International Trade. I also hold a master’s from the University of Cambridge, Judge Business School.

I have been a business owner ever since graduating from college. I have worked in the family electrical company as a project negotiator and supply chain specialist. I have also owned two grocery stores and currently own a do-nut shop with more under development.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The road has not been smooth. The two grocery stores that I owned did not work out. The first opened 6 weeks before the first COVID shutdown. It completely upended our supply chain and changed customer habits. Being a small, independent store, we were not equipped to handle the disruptions.

The supply chain got worse over the rest of 2020 and 2021. Eventually, I had to make the decision to shut both of them down. Not being able to get supplies or supplies at the right price made it impossible to keep prices low and make a profit.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Shipley Do-nuts?
Last December, I helped open the first Shipley Do-nut store in South Carolina. When looking for a brand to invest in, one of the biggest things was looking for a brand that prioritized community values. Shipley Do-nuts prioritizes community engagement and values.

I wanted a restaurant that valued made-from-scratch items and not just premade ones. Shipley Do-nuts are all made from scratch every day. I was also drawn to the price point of these Do-nuts. Too many places charge prices that make it difficult to afford for many families but Shipley prides itself on being “every day” Do-nuts.

What’s next?
I am currently running for the US House of Representatives. I have been actively campaigning for almost a year now.

I am looking forward to the last 3+ months of this race and then hopefully have the honor of serving my community in Congress.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @juddforcongress
  • Facebook: juddforcongress
  • Twitter: @juddforcongress

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