Today we’d like to introduce you to Kolton Miller.
Hi Kolton, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
From as early as I can remember I would create and draw. Throughout childhood could never distance me from creating and wanting to do art. When I was in 3rd grade, I received an award and my first purchase award. In 5th grade, I designed the logo for my school which is still being used today. Through middle school, I mainly painted murals while sticking to art classes. While in High school I focused way more on art within and outside of class. I attended college at Greenville Tech learning and growing the most through that program and then finished my bachelor’s degree at Clemson. I moved to Charleston after graduation and have been building and growing my art business ever since.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Struggles for me came in many different forms, from being artsy and not really fitting into a mold; while also being told that art isn’t a sustainable career. Luckily for me my family always supported and believed in my talent and what I could accomplish with a pencil or brush. To this day it hasn’t been a smooth road, but as an adult, I am able to strive and make those leaps I need to build my business.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
My current works focus on a low country landscape aesthetic. I bring emotion and mood to my paintings rather than being photo-like or very painterly or both. I get inspired by the culture and environment down this way. I like to treat the water/reflections in my paintings as vessels of imagination and beauty in the mirror-like qualities. I am currently working on a very new and different series that I plan on releasing in the fall.
We all have a different way of looking at and defining success. How do you define success?
For me, success can mean many things. Many can look at the fact I sold all of my paintings as a financial success. However, to me, success is continuously enjoying and falling in love with the next painting as much as the last. I have so many supporters in Charleston, friends, and family that believe in my talent. I paint for myself, and how it makes me feel. The plus side is that other people enjoy observing and buying my work to enjoy it as much as I do. I consider that success; the moment of respect as an artist.
Contact Info:
- Email:
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- Instagram: Koltonmillerart