Today we’d like to introduce you to Molly Jones.
Hi Molly, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My husband and I were living in the Myrtle Beach area, and he was working towards his engineering degree. He decided to apply to transfer to The Citadel to finish out his Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. I began spending much time at his family’s farm during this big transition and decision. It was therapeutic for me during a very stressful time. His uncle had purchased some goats from a local auction, and one, in particular, was interested in spending time with me. It was fully food motivated, but maybe it was a little more. I nicknamed this unnamed goat, Pig. She was always in my pocket. When my husband’s uncle decided to cull Pig from his herd due to the inability to get pregnant, I couldn’t stand the thought of her ending up at an auction and having a very uncertain fate. I purchased Pig for $75, knowing very little about the needs of a goat. I just knew she needed me, and I needed her. During this time, we were house hunting in the surrounding Charleston area. We told our realtor we wanted a little land, and I wanted a place to take Pig. This led us to the sweet little town of Harleyville. I fell in love with the town and a brick home on 1 acre. The house needed a lot of work but would allow us to stay within budget, have some land, and keep Pig with her new friends.
The farm all started with one goat named Pig. After purchasing Pig, I began researching and found out my goat needed a goat. We bought our home in March 2018. The last 5 years have had many ups and downs, transitions, renovations, building, and shaping our mini farm into what it is today. One goat led to now 16 goats, more kids on the way this month, 2 Pigs named Jimmy Dean and Kevin Bacon, chickens (we’ve stopped counting), and a large fluffy livestock guardian dog named Yeti. One goat changed our lives, and I cannot thank her enough. I promised her she would only leave our farm once she was ready to leave us.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Building a farm has been a challenging road. We underestimated just how fragile goats and their care can be. Our first task when buying our property was to get fencing in place. On a tight budget, we chose to do the work ourselves. We started with very humble beginnings by building a small shelter out of free pallets and utilizing any materials we could source for cheap. We have faced difficulties through animal illnesses and loss. We have argued and challenged each other along the way. Caring for goats is quite challenging, and it takes a network of goat producers and veterinarians to provide the best care possible. We’ve learned the hard way and have now begun mentoring others due to our experiences.
As you know, we’re big fans of Jones Mini Farm. What can you tell our readers who might not be as familiar with the brand?
Jones Mini Farm is a small farm on 1 acre of land surrounded by farming fields. We breed and raise ADGA-registered Nigerian Dwarf goats, unregistered Nigerian Dwarf crosses, and Mini Nubians. We offer farm-fresh eggs from free-range chickens that are never treated with antibiotics and are fed a well-balanced, varied diet. We offer silkie/Cochin cross chicken hatching eggs and barnyard mix hatching eggs. We welcome photographers for photo sessions with our animals. We are most proud of our reputation in the goat community and with our veterinarian. To be recommended as a reputable breeder with healthy, well, caring for animals is the best compliment we get.
We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you.
It is hard to say if it has been luck or a higher power, but one thing is certain we have been blessed. Times have been hard, and we’ve felt we couldn’t continue, but circumstances have always worked out and allowed us to continue building.
- Farm Fresh Eggs $4 per dozen
- Silkie/Cochin hatching eggs $15 per dozen
- Barnyard mix hatching eggs $10 per dozen
- ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goats $300-$500
- Unregistered Dwarf goats $150-$350
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonesminifarm?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejonesminifarm?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@jonesminifarm?_t=8bEIj8JECGU&_r=1