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Check Out Edie Allen’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Edie Allen.  

Hi Edie, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved people. I’ve always been fascinated by their stories… of triumph, of hope, of inspiration, of struggle and resilience. Of the human condition and how to overcome obstacles…and those who don’t. My parents were due to marry the day John F. Kennedy – the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated. and I was born 1 year and 5 days later. My birthday is the same day as Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee which I think is such an interesting combination of energies. 

I was 12 years old in 1976 and remember, very clearly, our country’s bicentennial. Freedom was a word I heard often in the ’70s and instinctively knew how incredibly important it was to many -especially those who didn’t seem to have it. I was one of those people. 

A product of the ‘children are meant to be spoken to and not heard from’ generation, I feared my mother who was suffering her own childhood demons and taking her anger out on my brothers and me, and Valium. My dad, out of the picture since I was 5, stayed out of the picture till I was 27, and even then, decided I was not worth getting to know or having a relationship with, thus giving my many therapists much fodder for discussion. My mother’s boyfriend, a sexual predator, added to the eclectic mix of dysfunction and I became pregnant with his baby at 14. Running away soon after, in and out of homes, relationships, and therapy, Healing finally began to take hold when I embarked upon a Spiritual Journey of Faith, Curiosity, Self-Love & Appreciation, and Sober living. Before I knew it, people began to pay me for what I knew and the tools I’ve been collecting, and thus, my boutique coaching practice, Healing with Edie, LLC. was born. 

Having never advertised, Grace has always, and continues to, bring those seeking what I offer by word-of-mouth and there have been many. The last count was around 20 thousand of them now. What a blessing it is to shine a light on someone’s worthiness when they seem to have lost their way, and watch that might take hold of their heart. Watching them begin to love themselves again, and make room to love others in the process. No one is broken. No one needs fixing. Systems may be, but people are not. 

We all need to be reminded of that. No one and nothing can break our spirit. That is the power of Love. 

One of the ways I enjoy giving back to my community is through acting and directing, which feeds my Soul. I’m currently directing a play for the recovery community. It was written by a woman in recovery around 25 years ago, and I rewrote and adapted it a bit for today’s world. It’s performed entirely by people in the recovery program and I couldn’t be more humbled and honored for the experience and opportunity. 

One of the greatest joys of my life is being on the Executive Council for Janie’s Fund, Steven Tyler’s (Aerosmith) philanthropic organization that provides much-needed healing and resources to girls who have suffered from sexual trauma. The Life Set program offers a chance at life to those who would otherwise be on the streets once federal funding for therapy and housing ends at 18. It is a remarkable program with 100% of all Janie’s Fund donations going directly to those they serve. I share my story annually at Steven’s Janie’s Fund Gala held in Los Angeles each year, helping to raise 2.8 mil dollars in a single night. 

Parts of my story have been published in 2 different books, and several podcasts, and I am on the Speaker’s Bureau for Tori Amos’ RAINN organization, I have been a part of their organization for 20 years now. They offered the first National Hotline for victims of assault. 1800-656-Hope.  

That desire for freedom and curiosity I spoke of earlier led me to live all across the country including NY, LA, Atlanta, and Chicago. An improv junkie, I’m a Second City alum and student at both The Groundlings, LA (God bless zoom classes) and here, locally at our beloved Theatre 99. Growing up the way I did create massive control issues and problems with trust, as one could imagine, so I find the Surrounding to the moment & The Yes, and approach to improv absolutely challenging and completely necessary to my growth and life as well. Laughter truly is the best medicine. 

Represented by Coastal Talent, as often as possible I love booking acting/modeling/V. O jobs. It’s a thrill to get to audition and being on set with other actors and a production crew lights me up every.single.time. I’ve also had the great fortune to produce short films and be involved in the production of feature films, national commercials, music videos, and television shows. Lucky me. 

Speaking of lucky, I married a man I love and we’ve been together for 9 years now. We have two beautiful fur babies, Folly the doggie (7) and Byrdie July (4 months) both of whom were kind enough to rescue and adopt us, I have a gorgeous – inside and out – Step-daughter, Haley who is engaged to be married to her own love, Zac. 

I write poetry and songs to express myself when big feelings and emotions need an outlet. Depth is important to me. Small talk and I part ways after a few minutes. It’s nothing personal, I just prefer the nitty-gritty stuff and find it much more interesting. And I have some of the most interesting people in my life! My friends have saved me – from myself and from the trauma and drama – on more occasions than I can count. They know exactly who they are and what they mean to me. 

I hope something I’ve said here has been of interest to you and to anyone who may read this. 

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Nope. and that’s a laughable question, really. I don’t think I know anyone who has had a smooth road. 

My struggles have included abandonment, severe neglect, physical, mental, emotional & sexual abuse, being forced to have a baby after rape, running away from home and being placed in the foster system, legally emancipating from my mother at 16, marijuana and alcohol abuse and addiction, being misdiagnosed and nearly dying from improper medication, prosecuting my perpetrator while my family stood by his side, being blamed for his murder/suicide after being given probation by a judge who was known for being lenient on sex offenders. Being misunderstood, anxiety, depression, suicide attempts, And yet I’m still here. There’s a Power greater than me protecting me, guiding me, and loving me, and I have always known that. During the darkest times, it was a challenge to remember, but that love has always found its way to me and made itself known to me anytime and every time I’ve needed It. 

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I’m known for helping others remember who they are and how powerful they truly are. For guiding them back to their Inner Knowing while learning to trust and love themselves and others throughout the process. 5 years ago, I became South Carolina’s first Chakra dance™ Facilitator with founder Natalie Southgate. Chakra dance™ is a healing modality combining Jungian Psychology, movement, The Chakras, meditation, and music specially crafted to take you on an inward journey to meet yourself while dancing with your eyes closed. It’s phenomenal. 

During Covid, I became a Licensed RTT™ practitioner (Rapid Transformational Therapy) with Marisa Peer – World Renowned Hypnotherapist. It pairs beautifully with Chakra dance™ as both help integrate the Unconscious and Conscious minds. 

As an actor, I’m known for my comedic timing and character work. Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Gilda Radner, SNL, and every television show written by Garry Marshall made excellent babysitters and teachers. 

What sets me apart from others, I guess would be my resilient Warrior Spirit. I never give up on people, and hold hope no matter what. Learning to not give up on myself has been the hard part, but it gets easier and easier with a strong program of recovery, remarkable teachers and tools, and a rock-steady support system of friends, family, and loved ones. 

Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read these words. I hope it touches something inside you and sparks your own Inner Light. May hope always be your window to a brighter experience. Say Yes- And as often as possible, and go with the Flow. It makes life so much easier. You don’t have to forgive those who hurt you, but until you do, they will take up space in your world that something more fun could be taking up. Forgive yourself for you are precious and there’s only one you. Who would you be if you loved yourself – and liked yourself – completely? How would you feel? Can you let yourself have a good time all the time? Can you have happy all the time? These are the questions I ask myself regularly. I hope you ask them, too. 

My business partner, Lauren Lawrence, and I are busily crafting our signature programs for you in our Fueled by Flow Productions, Co. Stay tuned for opportunities to grow, heal, laugh, and be entertained with courses, games, programs, books, videos, and retreats. 

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Website:
  • Instagram: Iamedieallen
  • Facebook: Edie Allen

Image Credits
Katarina Benzova

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