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Meet Maegan Romanello of Huntington Beach, CA

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maegan Romanello

Hi Maegan, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
When I look back on how it all began, I have to laugh a little because I never intended to have a full blown bakery that I run in my home. 12 years ago, when bloggers were starting to get more traction and people were able to make an income from posting really anything they wanted; I thought why couldn’t I do that? I had always loved baking, it was something that brought me so much joy and I was already baking all the time for my coworkers so we had a little treat during the work day. I started researching blogs and recipes and eventually was able to write my own after a lot of trial and error, then I was posting blogs with outfits and recipes that I had created. One day, a coworker asked if I could make her twin daughters birthday cakes and it hit me, maybe I could turn the baking into a business. I did more research and learned that I could get a permit through the county to legally operate a cottage bakery from my home. Then came time to come up with a name, it came so organically I almost missed it. I’m one of those people who talks to themselves when they work and I said something like “My name is Maegs and I bake cakes” and a name was born, Maegs Bakes Cakes.

From there, I went on to start an Instagram page and a Facebook page to get the word out to friends and family and hopefully bring in some organic leads. That year, I entered into my local state fair and ending up winning the entire cake division. It was so exciting and something I never expected! I entered into that same fair every year for 5 years and have a total of 10 awards from the OC Fair. Winning the awards was what I needed to boost my business. People trusted me and a business was born. I was in my 20’s and money was tight so I did whatever I could to acquire what I would need to get clients. I learned that boxes from USPS are free and I could wrap them with wrapping paper from the 99 cent store to create custom cake stands. I would get supplies from the Target dollar section, they had paper straws that were 99 cents for a pack of 25. I spent any time that I wasn’t at my full time job, trying to come up with ways to bring in customers. Pounding the pavement was what helped me the most; I made 6 packs of mini cupcakes and bags of cookies and would drive to high rise office buildings and drop off tasting bags with receptionists and office managers. Being a receptionist myself for 10 years, I knew they were the people who would be in control of ordering lunches and desserts for meetings or birthdays.

Slowly, it grew from there. I posted on Instagram every day, I created a following that has grown to over five thousand people, which may now sound like a lot to most, but each of those people is someone who helps me be able to do what I love everyday. Each year, I made a little more income, I served more clients and I’ve been apart of events that have changed my life. I get to be apart of friends weddings, gender reveals, baby showers, first birthdays, retirements, and it’s more than I could have ever asked for. Over the last 13 years I’ve built a brand, I’ve built a business that I am so proud of. It’s hard work, it’s long nights, it’s a lot of brain work trying to create something new and fun and every second of it is worth every sleepless night (and there have been many).

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Not even at all haha. Some days are easier than others, it’s an everyday grind. Something new to learn everyday, a new item to learn how to make, a new design to teach yourself, it’s an always changing industry to keeping up can be exhausting but we get to play with flour and sugar all day so I can’t really complain.

One thing I avoided during my career was learning to make Macarons. Finicky little cookies that look so easy and in one spin of a spatula can be completely ruined. I decided that 2025 would be the year I master them so I reached out to my baking bestie, Ashley Khawsy of SmashBakes and she walked me through the entire process. After a few trials, I can’t stop making them; in fact they’ve become something that I would define as “easy”.

It’s taught me to just keep going, do what makes me nervous, make the items that have scared me this whole time. It was a real lesson learned that I am actually pretty good at this whole baking thing.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Well, I’m Maegs and I bake cakes 🙂

Maegs Bakes Cakes is a woman owned and operated bakery that specializes in whatever your heart desires, except cheesecake, I know my strengths and that ain’t it haha. As the seasons change and new techniques are created, I try to offer items that would bring warmth and joy to my clients. My sugar cookies are definitely by best seller, I was able to come up with a really great recipe taking a few items from different recipes and turning them into my own. I make a lot of smash cakes and most recently with the vintage cake trend, I’m making a heart cake at least 6 times a month which I absolutely love.

I have a lot to be proud of but as of late, I’m most proud of the cakes I’ve been able to donate to those affected by the LA wild fires. I joined up with a few other local bakeries and businesses and we were able to donate 6 inch cakes to over 25 families who lost everything in the fires. Bringing them a little joy, even if it’s just for a day, that’s really what this is all about.

I’m also apart of an organization called Icing Smiles, who has a nationwide team of bakers that donate cakes to children or siblings of children who are battling childhood cancer. It is a great organization to be apart of, if you’re a baker, I would definitely check it out.

Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
Just keep going. Trust yourself. Charge your worth. Don’t spend a lot of money, do a lot of research, use facebook marketplace for supplies, if possible have more than one Kitchen Aid mixer and most importantly, take your baked goods anywhere you go. If you have extras, take them to a business, donate them to a local police or fire station or even a nursing home. You’ll feel really good and they’ll be so happy for a sweet treat!

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