Today we’d like to introduce you to Marsha Thompson.
Hi Marsha, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My journey in yoga began when a friend of mine in Atlanta invited me to a hot yoga class one evening. I moved to Atlanta following my passion for the fashion industry. I had a one-year-old daughter and knew I wanted to give her a better life so I went to follow a dream. I had no idea I would find my dreams in Atlanta but not the one I thought. After taking that yoga class, I instantly fell in love with the practice. I began doing yoga 5-6 days a week sometimes twice a day. Every class left me wanting more. I had no idea why I felt so good and why I felt this strong connection to this discipline. So I decided to embark on the journey of diving deeper. While working full-time, going to college full-time, I decided to add one more thing to my plate. Teacher training is what changed my life forever. After learning more about what was happening thru yoga, I wanted to share this tool with others so they too would have a tool to turn to when facing adversity. The following year I left Atlanta and life as I knew it and moved back to Greenville, and became a full-time yoga teacher. It was not easy, but after teaching for almost 7 years, I now have my own yoga studio. I spent thousands of hours and many years building a following and brand that is now Shine Om.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It was not always a smooth road, building a brand means I left a full-time career with benefits and better pay to provide a service to the community that I hoped people would accept. It meant I taught many classes without pay. It means I woke up super early and took classes at any time that was available to me just so I could share the practice. It meant at 30 years old, I was moving back in with my parents.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Shine Om yoga?
Shine Om yoga offers a variety of yoga styles to the community. My power vinyasa class in particular is different from other yoga classes because every week I intertwine a new positive message into the class and use it thru out as we are flowing. I have been told that my classes and messages are a lot like “yoga church”. Which I take as a huge compliment because it validates to me that people come to the classes for more than just the physical aspect. I want readers to know that the yoga space of shine om is very diverse and inclusive which isn’t always the case in yoga studios.
We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
Yes, I believe in taking risks. I had to take a huge risk when deciding to open up my own yoga space in the community. Taking risks requires us to move out of our comfort zones. I have learned that there is no growth when you are always in your comfort zone. Growth and comfort can not coexist.
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Contact Info:
- Website: www.Shineomyogagvl.com
- Instagram: @shineomyogagvl