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Check Out Angie Moore’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angie Moore.

Angie Moore

Hi Angie, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My name is Angie, wife and mother of 3 and a baby & child fine art portrait photographer. My background is in healthcare, and I hold a Master’s in Nutrition. After 10 years working in healthcare, my love of photography drew me in. Once I decided that I needed to be a full-time child photographer I dived into photography education. I have learned from the best and have attended well over 25 workshops, either in person or online. I spent many years as a newborn photographer; creating beautiful set ups and handling the babies just came naturally to me. My clients called me a Baby Whisperer! I worked as a photogtapher for 8 years in New York before my husband retired from the FDNY. We just relocated a year ago to our forever home in Charleston, SC. We could not be happier.

I am now niched down to portrait photography; stylized sessions with babies and children aged 6 months and up. My work has been featured in Child Couture Magazine, Summeranna Magazine and Pretty Little Posure Magazine. I love to create set designs off of a dress or a backdrop. Having a studio offers such flexibility- no worries about what the weather is doing.

My current favorite genre is the Vignetted Heirloom Portraits. I recently held a Pop Up Event in Summerville at the Children’s Boutique Tweedle Beedle and it went so well! I absolutely adore working with the little ones. I am looking forward to building my Southern clientelle. I offer printed artwork, frames, etc as well as a fully stocked client wardrobe for my clients. My work can be found on all the social sites- IG, Facebook, Pinterest and Linkedin as well as a constantly updated website and blog.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Starting out was definitely hard. The artistic ability comes from within, but the business side is a whole other ballgame. I had a lot to learn about running a business legally, becoming an LLC vs. Sole Proprietor and what to charge to be profitable. Thankfully there are so many helpful educators in the photography world that teach you how to do this. You have a lot of resources to choose from, to learn, but implementing these concepts (like pricing to be profitable) is not always so easy. Mom groups on social media are flooded with cheaply priced photographers that can create such confusion for clients. What I have found to be priced profitably and to be successful is to know your cost of doing business and go from there. Education is very important to me and I will always invest in it. The second obsticle that I am facing is relocating to a new city. I went from being fully booked 4 months out in NY to crickets here in Charleston. I have had to rebrand, redo my website with all new keywrods, investing in SEO, etc. Now blogging is mre of a must rather than an option. However, I do believe God has me exactly where I need to be. I want to have fewer clients and offer them my time, my expertise, and my artwork– great service!

Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
I absolutley love to listen to Podcasts and learn and grow. I am a member of the Motherhood Anthology and they have helped me tremendously in rebranding. Along with their membership, they also offer a Podcast.

My favorite podcasts that I currently listen to:
The Motherhood Anthology
Book More Clients
This Can’t Be That Hard
Keep it Moving

Some of my favorite books that helped me grow in my business,
Building a Storybrand
Purple Cow
She Sells

Contact Info:

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