Today we’d like to introduce you to Jasmine Campbell
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Starting my business came by a total surprise for me. It’s not that I never wanted to do event decor and planning, I was always afraid of taking that leap of faith. Event planning has been apart of my life for years and, my mom passed over the eye for creativity after watching her plan events when I was younger. I was helping my mom with setting tables and learning about events since about the age 7. My mom did just about everyones wedding in our family and, she also worked specials event and weddings at a local venue in Downtown Charleston, where after school I would learn and assist as much as I could. As years went by I just became so fascinated with the dynamics of planning and creating special events. Once I went off to college the passion grew so much bigger but still only as a hobby. I would help plan the parties for my sorority sister’s kids, I would help coordinate the events for my sorority and even the graphics. I also made personalized wooden crafts and artwork, but when my best of friends starting having kids I really was able to hit the ground running. Everyone always asked at my friends event who did the decor and they would brag about me but, I was shy and didn’t want the recognition. However, after being laid off my job after 7 years, I had no more reasons to be scared. I couldn’t say no because of work lol. This was the pivotal shift where JazzymyCreations would soon bloom.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
For the most part it has been smooth but, there are struggles. This is something that I love to do, and I mean love, so things that seem to be hard, I find to just be a bump in the road. Learning the business dynamics, finding your own creative style, finding your target audience, marketing and networking are all struggles but I enjoy the journey. Every day is not perfect and believe me with event planning there are plenty behind the scene chaos.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Currently right now I am pursing entrepeanurship full time and, it’s a process but I love the journey. With JazzymyCreations we have our focus on kids events, specialized adult events and baby showers. In this journey, I am so proud of my faith to finally share my passion and talents. I would pray and dream of this moment and I am finally living that dream. My younger self would be so proud of me. All of the blueprints and mockups I would draw or plan I can finally bring to life. With so much creativity and talent I set myself apart from others because there no limits to what I can do. Rather it’s painting, graphics, coordinating, prop building or taking one idea and turning it into something jazzy, there is no limits to where my creative mind takes me.
Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
The best advice for those starting out is make sure you are doing something you are passionate about. Don’t start a business because its a trend or you think it’ll make the most money because on the hard days this is whats going to fuel you keep going. As I am currently just starting, I just wish I started sooner and wasn’t afraid. I wish I listened to myself and too the leap sooner but its all in Gods timing and I am pleased.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jazzymycreations/
- Other: https://www.honeybook.com/widget/jazzy_creations_274106/cf_id/65ee5cc75e5a63002685092e?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaY6KA0qyNcWYmlBWs07GLSd3uO2wuXkNtKrlpxJBtRD4wzJxu8rOFTqI6Q_aem_zXOR-joyWtm1ABURk8SaxQ