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Check Out Jadon Lowe’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jadon Lowe

Hi Jadon, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Growing up, I’ve always had a fascination with technology and gadgets, which is what also started my love and obsession with filming and video cameras. I was what you would call a “filmaholic” pretty much all of my life. I went on a lot of fun adventures throughout my life and I always loved to document all my fun memories so that I could look back on them and smile years and years down the road. My earliest memories of recording videos were when I owned a Nintendo 3DS back in 2011 and there was a recording feature on the camera that I didn’t discover until 3 months of having it. I was always recording some of the most random moments just chilling in my room or playing with toys with my brother. I was recording videos with whatever I could get my hands on whether it was a phone, game system, or anything that had a camera. Fast forward to Christmas of 2015, I got my very first Sony HDR video camera and used it to record family vacations, family outings, and any exciting moment that I felt was worth documenting. This went on for years and for so long, I always kept these videos more so for personal memory rather than posting them online. Fast forward to when I moved to Myrtle Beach in 2022, it was still kind of the same. As far as Myrtle Beach goes, It didn’t take me long to fall in love with the area. Funny enough, I come by that very honestly as I have a family full of beach bums. My mom was also a beach bum and was always vacationing at the beach whenever she got a chance. That being said, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. I remember walking up and down the beach from sun up to sun down almost every day when we first moved here and it was one of the main things that brought me ultimate joy and therapy. In late 2022, I started to explore Myrtle Beach a little more in-depth by visiting attractions such as Broadway at the Beach, Market Commons, and the House Of Blues, and by the time 2024 hit, I was a full-blown Myrtle Beach explorer. In March of 2024, I made the decision to finally start my own YouTube channel where I share my adventures of Myrtle Beach and show the many exciting things that await vacationers or locals in the area. There were plenty of Myrtle Beach YouTubers at the time who were doing just that and one of the first Myrtle Beach YouTubers that inspired me to join the crowd was Retro Myrtle Beach Guy. He was one of the first creators I met along the way and I am still to this day a huge fan of his. He was the first true Myrtle Beach YouTuber that I truly enjoyed watching and I enjoy the way he showcases the atmosphere and highlights the many treasures and backstories of the Grand Strand area. He was also the first creator to take me under his wing to give me tips on my own videos and to show his support. It meant a lot to me getting that from one of my favorite YouTubers. My YouTube show is called “Jay The Myrtle Beach Encyclopedia” and the name actually comes from an inside joke between me and my mom. My mom used to always say “You’re like the Myrtle Beach mascot with how many events you go to, they should build you a statue here and make you a landmark’. I piggybacked off of that by saying “Yes, I’m kind of like a Myrtle Beach Encyclopedia if I do say so myself”. This then gave me the idea for the name of my YouTube show! I’ve been doing my YouTube show for almost a year now and It’s steadily growing each and every day with more and more people tuning in and subscribing! I’m still what you would call an “up-and-coming’ content creator, but It’s been such a fun journey thus far and I’ve made many new friends and fun memories along the way!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It’s been a smooth and fun road for the most part! With still being a new content creator, the biggest obstacle could be not getting the engagement and views that you truly want. I encourage people to not rush the process because it takes time to build up your audience and platform and things like that come with time as well as consistency. Consistency is key!

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
My YouTube show “Jay The Myrtle Beach Encyclopedia” is really just an extension of my love for Myrtle Beach put into video form if that makes sense. Combine my love for Myrtle Beach with my love of video, and there you have it. I aim to give viewers a taste of Myrtle Beach life mainly by highlighting events, attractions, and the local community, especially from a young guy’s perspective. I heard some locals say that people move to Myrtle Beach mainly to retire and that It’s tailored more toward older people, but as a young guy with an old soul and a love for the beach, the vibe has been perfect for me. Another one of my favorite types of videos to shoot is the ones that highlight our local talent here. We have so many great performers, artists, bands, actors, and many different types of talent in our arts community as well as community events that give these people their time to shine. I am most proud of the fact that not only do I get to share my experiences and treasures of Myrtle Beach, but to constantly be a part of such a loving, family-oriented community that shows up and shows out for each other.

Who else deserves credit in your story?
Oh my, there are plenty that I can name off the top of my head! Throughout my content creation journey, I’ve had the opportunity to link up and network with so many other fellow Myrtle Beach content creators and celebrities. They have been my biggest cheerleaders and friends through this, and it’s honestly what makes doing what I do so much more fun! They’ve all had a hand in supporting, engaging, and giving me tips that could help in future content. Some of the people I want to shout out are Rebecca-Logan Brown aka. (@beccerzzzz), Amy Everhart aka. (@myrtlebeachfoodiebabe), Sophia Edens aka. (@thecontentfoodcritic), Madison Jones aka. (, Ashley Weller aka. (@southernchicstyle), Jenni Fitzpatrick aka (@justjennifitzpatrick), Ariadna Martinez aka (@ari.martinez), and Jordan Farrar aka (@retromyrtlebeachguy)! I also want to shout out Beachin’ With The Boones! There are a few extra names as well, but these are the main people that I want to give thanks to for supporting my journey thus far!

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